Sunday, October 23, 2011

Side door and deli drawer antipasto salad

The side door and the deli drawer of our refrigerator could be referred to as the land of the misfit toys. Both door and drawer are pretty well stocked with half opened bottles of delectable garnishes and additions, purchased for a specific use, and then they sit and wait, hoping to be opened again to jazz up one dish or another.
This post isn't incredibly groundbreaking and probably won't win any contests but this dish does allow you to be creative and good consumer.  After all, we are lucky we get to buy bottles of roasted red peppers that costs $4.25-why not use it all? Let those tasty treats that patiently wait, shine once more.
A healthy dinner or hearty side dish

We had on hand:
 1. A tiny portion of Roasted Red Peppers
 2. A handful of Marinated Artichoke Hearts,  Mushrooms, Carrots, Cauliflower and Hot Peppers
 3.  A smattering of Spicy Olives (green olives with a hot pepper stuffed inside-outstanding!)
 4. A nub of Salami
 5. A chunk of Parmesan Cheese
 6. A hodge podge of lettuce

Dice ingredients 1-4, chop the salad, assemble, put on some dressing and top with the nub of  Parmesan cheese (grated).

A super easy, sure to pleasy dressing
Whisk together olive oil, vinegar, a little lemon juice- if you have it, a pinch of salt, pepper, oregano, basil and an even smaller pinch of sugar. 
Pour it on and devour your oh so tasty side door and deli drawer antipasto salad.

Don't have a hodge podge of lettuce?
Well how about a half eaten baguette or loaf of Italian bread?
Turn on your oven broiler to low
Slice bread in half (the long way)
Toast the bread between 3-5 minutes, until golden brown
Remove from oven and rub toasted sides of bread with a clove of garlic to impart flavor
Cut the bread into a few hearty chunks
Top with your antipasto mixture that is now a creative take on bruschetta

Chew on....

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